Where your eyes are going these days

These two items go together in an interesting, if unintended way. Welcome to the New First Screen: Your Phone:

Daily time spent on mobile devices is now outpacing TV in the U.S. for the first time, according a newly-released 2014 AdReaction study from Millward Brown.

Americans now spend 151 minutes per day on smartphones, next to 147 in front of TVs. But the numbers are even greater elsewhere.

Do you know what else is happening? Major Multi-Channel Video Providers Lost About 105,000 Subscribers in 2013:

“2013 was the first year for multi-channel video industry losses, but the modest losses represent only about 0.1% of all subscribers,” said Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for Leichtman Research Group, Inc. “While the overall market remains fairly flat, further share-shifting has taken place. Cable providers now have a 52% share of the top multi-channel video subscribers in the US, compared to a 58% share three years ago.”

We are at something of a hinge point in entertainment history.

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